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Actichlor Plus

Actichlor™ Plus is an effective chlorine disinfectant product for all aspects of surface and environmental disinfection. It combines a chlorine compatible detergent with NaDCC in a single tablet format, offering excellent cleaning and disinfection performance in one easy step.


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Actichlor™ Plus is an effective chlorine disinfectant product for all aspects of surface and environmental disinfection. It combines a chlorine compatible detergent with NaDCC in a single tablet format, offering excellent cleaning and disinfection performance in one easy step.

  • Effective chlorine disinfection in convenient tablet format
  • Broad spectrum efficacy suitable for a wide variety of applications, including blood spills and sporicidal disinfection
  • Easy to use, with detailed training materials and guidance available
  • Single-step cleaning and disinfection. Carton / 6 bottles. – 150 tablets per Bottle
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