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Innovative Ultrasounds with 24/7 Remote Sonography

Samsung veterinary ultrasound systems feature a premium imaging engine, crystal-clear resolution, Sonosync system, and AI-powered diagnostic technology for your diagnostic confidence.

Available Now at ATX, official distributors for Samsung in Australia.
Redefined imaging technologies powered by Crystal Architecture
Crystal Architecture is Samsung’s up-to-date ultrasound imaging engine with enhanced 2D image processing, colour signal processing, and advanced intellectual algorithm to offer outstanding image performance and efficient workflow during complex cases.
imaging technologies powered by crystal architecture samsung vet ultrasounds
scanner or ultrasound for animals

SonoSync: Remote Sonography System

When needed, connect via SonoSync with our professional sonographers who will remotely guide your team, capture diagnostic-quality images, and generate detailed reports.

Our service eliminates the recurring costs of outsourcing sonographers and enables even remote veterinary practices to access world-class ultrasound support 24/7.

Sophisticated 2D Image Processing
samsung veterinary ultrasounds imaging performance

Provide uniform imaging
performance of overall image area

S-Harmonic™ mitigates the signal noise, enhances contrast, and provides uniform image performance of overall image area from near-to-far.

samsung veterinary ultrasounds imaging performance

Reduce noise to improve 2D image quality

ClearVision is a noise reduction filter that enhances the edge contrast and creates sharp 2D images for optimal diagnostic performance. In addition, it provides application-specific optimization and advanced temporal resolution in live scan mode.

samsung veterinary ultrasounds imaging performance

Enhance hidden structures in shadowed regions

ShadowHDR™ selectively applies high-frequency and low-frequency of the ultrasound to identify shadow areas where attenuation occurs.

samsung veterinary ultrasounds imaging performance


samsung veterinary ultrasounds imaging performance

Abdomen with S-Harmonic

samsung veterinary scanner imaging performance


samsung veterinary scanner imaging performance

Kidney with ClearVision

samsung veterinary scanner imaging performance

Intercostal view

samsung veterinary scanner imaging performance

Intercostal view
with ShadowHDR

samsung veterinary ultrasounds imaging performance

Clean up blurry areas in the image

HQ-Vision™ provides clearer images by mitigating the characteristics of ultrasound images that are slightly blurred than the actual vision.

samsung veterinary ultrasounds imaging performance

Spatial and contrast resolution with artifact suppression

MultiVision controls ultrasound beam electronically by steering, and compounds multiple scan lines for better image. MultiVision provides remarkable spatial and contrast resolution with even greater artifact suppression than ever before.

samsung veterinary scanner imaging performance
samsung veterinary scanner imaging performance

Quadriceps tendon
with HQ-Vision

Detailed Expression of Blood Flow Dynamics

samsung veterinary ultrasounds imaging performance

Examine peripheral vessels
with directional Power Doppler

S-Flow™ᵃ directional Power Doppler imaging technology, can help to detect even the peripheral blood vessels. It enables accurate diagnosis when the blood flow examination is especially difficult.

samsung veterinary ultrasounds imaging performance

Kidney S-Flow with LumiFlow

samsung veterinary ultrasounds imaging performance

Visualize slow flow
in microvascular structures

MV-Flow™ ¹ visualizes microcirculatory and slow blood flow to display the intensity of blood flow in color.

samsung veterinary ultrasounds imaging performance

Abdomen with MV-Flow

samsung veterinary ultrasounds imaging performance

Show blood flow in vessels
in a 3D-like display

LumiFlow™ is a function that visualizes blood flow in three dimensional-like to help understand the structure of blood flow and small vessels intuitively.

samsung veterinary ultrasounds imaging performance

Kidney MV-Flow with LumiFlow ᵃ

An Automated Reporting Tool for Heart Diagnosis

HeartAssist™ ¹, a feature based on Deep Learning technology, provides automatic classification of ultrasound image into measurement views required for heart diagnosis and provides measurement results.
heartassist An automated reporting tool for heart diagnosis using samsung ultrasounds

Enriched Diagnostic Features with Accuracy and Precision

A Comprehensive Selection for Veterinary Care

Real-time image sharing, discussion, and collaboration

Real-time image streaming solution samsung veterinary ultrasound scanners

SonoSync™ ³ is available in PC and smartphone, etc. as a real-time image share solution that allows communication for care guide and training between doctors and sonographers.

In addition, voice chatting, text chatting and real-time marking functions are provided for better communication; and the MultiVue function is included that allows monitoring multiple ultrasound images on a single screen.

Comprehensive selection of transducers

Linear array transducers

Transducers probes samsung ultrasound vet
Transducers probes samsung ultrasound vet
Transducers probes samsung ultrasound vet

Curved array transducers

Transducers probes samsung ultrasound vet
Transducers probes samsung ultrasound vet

Phased array transducers

Transducers probes samsung ultrasound vet

Contact Us

We’re happy to assist you every step of the way. Contact us to request a free demonstration on any of the models or inquire for pricing information.

Feel free to reach out to us via the form below, or contact us directly at sales@atx.com.au or by phone at 1800 330 118 (AU) or +61 8 9331 4733 (International).

We look forward to hearing from you!

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